•     Same day payments, free of charge     •     Access to online portal     •     Same day set up     •     No entry or exit fees     •    

Frequently-Asked Questions

1. Why choose the QIS service?

Our service focuses on offering you, the self-employed temporary worker, a simple, efficient and compliant way to maximise your net earnings. The service helps you to simplify your personal affairs allowing you to concentrate on the work you do and the clients you do it for. Most importantly you get the structure to allow you to maximise your earnings.

2. What are the benefits? 3. What are your fees?

Whilst you are using our service there is a charge of 5% on each invoice amount raised (excluding VAT). If you do not work for whatever reason, there is nothing to pay. There are no other charges.

4. When do I get paid?

We run payments every day of the week, excepting Bank holidays. Your payment is processed and remitted on the day we receive the funds from your agency or end-client.

5. Must I be registered as self-employed?

If you are not already registered as self-employed, then it is imperative that you do so immediately. Failure to do so could lead to penalties and fines from the tax authorities.

We will provide you with more information on Self-Employment and how to register in our Welcome Pack.

6. What should I do with my timesheets?

You will be instructed where to send your timesheets or invoicing requests. Most often, your agency will require them in order to be approved, and they will then inform us of your hours. In the event you are asked to send them directly to us, you may either phone them in, fax them, email them or use our on-line timesheet submission system.

7. What should I do when my contract ends?

If you are going permanent or leaving the country, just inform us in writing and we will end your contract. If you are moving to another agency or end-client, just let us know and we will liaise with that agency and you continue as normal.

8. Do I need to submit a personal tax return?

As a self-employed individual, you will need to submit a personal tax return to the relevant tax authorities. You will need to complete the Self-Assessment yourself which may be completed online or you can download and complete a paper version.